Tuesday, March 19, 2013


I am a triathlete.  At least I was last year.

Something happened at the end of last year that I can't describe.  I'm not depressed.  I'm not sad.  I am tired, but that's not it.  

Of all the choices in the English language, I can only describe this sentiment with the word 'funk'.  I'm in a funk.   But here's the wierd part, I am usually the guy that helps other people get off their couch and into a healthier mind set.  I help others get out of their funk.

I bumped into a relatively new friend, (who goes by the nickname Bisquit for all the obvious reasons), at a 5k run last month and decided to join him and run at his pace.  He ran a respectable 34 minute 5k on willpower alone. I was jealous.  The next morning on Facebook, he described me as his life coach.

I'm just a guy.  and right now, not much of a guy.

I hear shrinks need shrinks and doctors need doctors.  Well, this guy needs a coach. or a kick in the pants.  I need a disconnect.  It was running.  It was swimming.  It was anything athletic until the new year came.

These days I think about school.  I am back in grad school nursing a mid-life crisis.  I should have just bought a boat.  

I think about my boys.  I have two of them under the age of three.  I'm a lucky man and should just appreciate that they are there and healthy.  But I also want to lead them by example and even if they will not remember these days, I need to be leading by example.

I guess I am missing that defined long term goal.  I had hoped to run my first Ironman this year, but a PhD in anything is no way to find the time.  I'm now hoping to just get back into a good groove and find some rhythm.  

Don't get me wrong, I am a highly motivated go getter.  I joined the Diplomatic service months after September 11th.  I am intelligent. I have cherished accomplishments in my life and yet there is this driving force that is deep inside me that I can't seem to get my hands on right now.  I was hoping it would come out again as the winter subsided, but I live in South Texas, so that's no excuse.

I have to grab it and pull it out and stand on it and use it.  Just hoping that it is going to happen is not going to make it happen.  I know that.

This week, I have decided to pull out of all my distance work.  It's not like I'm doing it anyway.  I'm gonna do 30 days of some video workout at home.  take walks.  hit the weights.  I'm going to do all the stuff I haven't done in years.  I plan to pick a small number of races this year and train for them specifically.  but not yet.  

The local pool just opened up again and I think I'll start hitting the pool for casual swimming.  Try to find that disconnect at 0530 am.  Not real training per say, but maybe just getting back in the water will help me get back on the right track.  I want to be back at that place where I am leading by example; where I am satisfied with what's inside my soul and my physical abilities are only a reflection of that.  Ironically, I'm hoping to use the outside to change the inside.

Your waterproof iPod Shuffle could help me get there.  I think it would distract me long enough from the machinations of a workout to let me disconnect from myself long enough to get back in rhythm.  It's time to get out of my own head and back in the water.  That's where I want to be: back in rhythm, back in the water.

1) How did you find out about Underwater Audio's Waterproof iPod?
2) How do you think our waterproof iPod could improve your performance/motivation?

    by releasing myself from my own mind
3) Why do you want Underwater Audio's Waterproof iPod, not one from another company?

   you guys put in the marketing effort, I've heard good things, I haven't noticed your direct competitors
4) Is there anything else you want to tell us to convince us of your need?
   My Dad.  he started swimming when we were in high school following a car accident.  He's done it every week ever since.  He's the slowest guy in the pool and wears flippers the whole time, but he gets his 1,000meters in three times a week every week.  He's been slowing down lately too.  I would give my ipod to him as soon as I get back in rhythm.  but, that's not true.  I'd probably have to get him his own.

1 comment:

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